Category Archives: Uncategorized
Why you still Control-Alt-Delete
Hope some of you out here already thought why we are pressing this strange combination of Control -Alt- Del when ever you have to log-on in a networked system or to do the end task when some programs hangs . The basic story behind the control alt delete key combination dates back to to the original IBM -PC in […]
interpolated resolution -The webcam Myths
Yet another post on Megapixels , Hope the previous post will be helpful to you to fully appreciate it A typical customer who walks in to a computer shop to purchase a webcam is faced with so many confusing choices . The irresistible offer is a range of web cams that offer 12 to 20 Megapixels at an unbelievable price. 20 megapixels !! , my […]
EULA Facts- Read it before you click ” I agree”
How many of you guys out there are reading the long 15 page license agreement that appear as part of the welcome screens of your software installation ? if you are the one who is clicking the I agree Button after reading and understanding all the implications , this post is not targeting you , else read on […]
Why ROM is a RAM ?
Why Digit Thinks that Facebook Might Fail
I am reading Digit from their early days and even before they named the magazine to Digit. I enjoyed every technical articles on it as well as the soft wares they distributed on the free DVDs. What really catched my attention is the cover story of this months Digit. It is asking a controversial question of Why Facebook might […]
Will Improper Shutdown harm your Hard disk ?
This post does not encourage you to improper shutdown your system from now on , but a discussion in to the technical aspects of the impact of the improper shut down on the life of your hard disk. Please continue to properly shut down your system for maintaining your production environment systems it is true that […]